The prize cycle: what happens when?

The timeline
May - September
Institutional registration
National academies, universities, and research institutions register with the Frontiers Planet Prize as National Nominating Bodies (NNBs) and National Representative Bodies (NRBs).
The NNBs receive the applications from the lead scientist of the most promising research articles
Submission to National Representative Body
The NNBs evaluate all submitted applications from their institutions and send their three shortlisted nominations to their country’s national academy, which acts as the NRB.
Deadline: 1 November
*Please note that this date may vary depending on the timeline of each National Representative Body. The final submission date will be communicated to each NNB by the Frontiers Planet Prize team.
Submission to the jury
The National Representative Body (NRB) of each country assesses the nominations and submits the top three to the Jury of 100.
Deadline: 1 December
December - January
First round of voting - National Champions selected
The Jury of 100 reviews the nominations and selects the National Champions for each participating country.
Second round of voting - International Champions selected
The Jury of 100 selects the three International Champions from the National Champions.
22 April - Earth Day
National Champions announced
The National Champions from each participating country are announced.
Awards Ceremony
The three International Champions are announced at the Awards Ceremony in June.